BIDEFORD Bowling Club have enjoyed a bowls tour around Herefordshire and they ended it with a friendly match against Wellington. Jay Merrell was pleased to work with a team to organise the event.

There were 48 players playing bowls on six rinks so the green was pretty crowded. It was all good fun and it was only right that, at the end, each club had won on three rinks.

Arthur Carter and Ann Cowling were two Wellington bowlers who were extremely pleased because their team did particularly well. They were 24 – 4 up on their rink and they were proud to display it on the scoreboard.

Several members helped to make a two course meal for the visitors, including Janet Lovell, Margaret Milton and Monica Carter. Janet Moore did an excellent job behind the bar.

Everyone enjoyed a pleasant afternoon's bowling and the visitors were grateful for the game and the very enjoyable refreshments provided afterwards.

Unlike, earlier in the season, the weather has been great for bowlers at Wellington with plenty of matches taking place throughout the weeks. Hopefully it will stay this way although the weather this weekend may not be so good.