A WORKING group is being set-up to design a strategy for the future management and development of the Playing Field in Wellington.

Wellington Town Council is taking on the responsibility for open spaces in the area from April 2025 from cash-strapped Somerset Council.

The Mayor of Wellington, Cllr Janet Lloyd, plus Cllr Andrew Govier and town clerk Dave Farrow met recently with representatives of the cricket, football and tennis clubs to discuss the changes and look to the future.

“It became apparent that the football and cricket clubs, in particular, have significant concerns regarding the quality and safety of their respective and shared playing areas with the view being expressed that there had been a period of managed decline for a number of years with Somerset Council and its predecessor authorities not carrying out required maintenance or improvements,” said Mr Farrow in a report which went before the town council’s policy and finance committee on Monday (August 12).

“Councillors will be aware that the football club has recently had to take action to address identified shortcomings to secure its position at its current level of competition and the cricket club too has been advised that there must be improvements to the playing area for it to be able to continue playing at its current level. There are also concerns about the condition of the cricket pavilion and attached changing rooms and toilets.

“The two clubs have been carrying out their own work on the playing area to try and address the issues at their own cost, whilst paying rent to Somerset Council, but a longer term plan is needed to address the underlying issues and the clubs need to be fully engaged in developing that.”

Cllr Janet Lloyd, speaking at the council’s policy and finance committee meeting on August 12, said it had been a “very positive” discussion with the clubs.

Councillors agreed that a joint working group be created with representatives of the clubs who use the Playing Field.

It was agreed that Cllr Justin Cole would join Cllrs Lloyd and Govier on the group to represent the council.