WELLINGTON Town Council is keeping a watch on issues which have been developing at The Basins local nature conservation area.

Town clerk Dave Farrow said in his monthly report that councillors might have been aware through social media of concerns being raised about the impact of discarded fishing lines at The Basins on wildlife following the death of a heron which was found caught up in a discarded line.

“This has escalated to bring in broader concerns about dog walking, litter and general anti-social behaviour,” he told councillors.

“I am in discussion with the person who raised the initial concern and I have also asked the Environment Agency who regulate fishing permits for support in managing this situation.”

Mr Farrow added that he had asked Sgt Jon O’Connor, of Wellington Police, and his officers to monitor The Basins “especially over the summer holidays.”

“We’ll continue to work with all interested parties to find a satisfactory resolution to these issues,” he added.

The Basins comprises two small ponds separated by a walkway and set in several acres of open countryside intersected by streams.

The ponds were built in the early 19th century to provide a controllable water supply via a complicated system of leats, sluices, and fenders to power waterwheels at the former Fox Brothers woollen mill.

There is plenty of wildlife to be seen in the area, but visitors are concerned that things could change for the worse unless action was taken to keep on top of the anti-social behaviour.