PASSENGERS on a Wellington bus had to be transferred to another service after it became stuck on metal railings in the town centre at about midday on Tuesday (August 13).

The no 22A bus was making a left-hand turn from North Street into High Street when the driver was apparently distracted by a car moving in front of it.

The 22A Wellington to Taunton bus stuck on railings in Wellington town centre.
The 22A Wellington to Taunton bus stuck on railings in Wellington town centre. (Tindle News)

The nearside of the blue double deck bus then scraped along metal railings protecting pedestrians from traffic until the vehicle became stuck.

First Bus engineers were despatched to provide assistance, while police community support officers directed traffic around the obstruction.

There were no reports of any injuries and other Wellington to Taunton bus services continued to run as normal.

Wellington Town Council’s community warden Sheldon Hancock attended the scene to assess the extent of the damage to the railings, which are the property of the highways department of Somerset Council.