AMBULANCE service head of volunteering Jane Whichello is to leap out of an aircraft from 13,500 feet next week to raise money for volunteer paramedics who are among the first to attend medical emergencies.

Ms Whichello will do a tandem skydive at Netheravon, home of the Army Parachute Association, on Wednesday (July 31).

Funds raised by the feat will go to help the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust buy new community response vehicles for its volunteer community first responders.

The vehicles enable the volunteers to more quickly reach patients who need help.

Last year, they responded to more than 20,600 calls across the Westcountry, meaning people are alive today who otherwise would not have survived their emergency. 

Volunteer community first responders play a vital role in helping the ambulance service respond to 999 calls and deliver emergency care to patients, often ahead of an ambulance arriving on scene.

Ms Whichello will be jumping with fellow paramedic and operations officer Ed Bowyer, who is a skydiving instructor.

She said: “Frankly, I am terrified, but it is such a good cause it will be worth it.”

Ambulance service charity head Zoe Larter said: “What an incredible way to ‘jump’ start our community response vehicle fund-raising appeal.

“We are so proud of Jane for taking on this challenge, raising valuable funds to help us reach our £210,000 target.

“These brilliant vehicles introduce a new way for community first responders to support their front-line colleagues in the ambulance service and the communities they serve.”