A YOUNG labrador dog which was hit by a van and suffered severe pelvic injuries is back on her feet thanks to the skills of Wellington veterinary surgeons.

Two-year-old Ruby needed three operations in one go at Cave Veterinary Specialists, near West Buckland, to repair the damage and put her on the road to recovery.

Owner, Paul Burnell, from Devon, said: “We were shocked when we learnt the extent of Ruby’s injuries.

An X-ray showing injuries suffered by labrador Ruby, which was treated by Cave Veterinary Specialists Wellington West Buckland
An X-ray showing injuries suffered by labrador Ruby, which was treated by Cave Veterinary Specialists, in West Buckland. ( )

“We were also concerned as Ruby was having three operations in one go, so it was a big surgical procedure.”

Cave head of surgery David Haine said: “We urgently performed a CT scan which confirmed she suffered multiple pelvic fractures and an abdomen wall rupture, meaning her bladder had been displaced.

“We carried out emergency surgery, which included repairing the herniated bladder and placing it back into the abdomen, while complex repairs were made to her pelvis and hip.

“Following surgery, Ruby required a lot of nursing care and support before being allowed home.”

Mr Burnell said: “Ruby’s care at Cave was five-star and everything was explained clearly in a way we could understand.

Specialist vets at Cave, West Buckland, have put labrador Ruby back on the road to recovery after she was hit by a van.
Specialist vets at Cave, West Buckland, have put labrador Ruby back on the road to recovery after she was hit by a van. ( )

“Now she has had the operation, she is becoming more mobile and we are strictly following David’s advice to aid her recovery.

“She is a very happy dog and does not seem to be in any pain whatsoever.”

The Cave veterinary practice offers comprehensive, specialist-led services in anaesthesia, cardiology, dentistry and oral surgery, dermatology, internal medicine, neurology and neurosurgery, oncology, orthopaedic surgery, and soft tissue surgery.