THE firm supplying most of the water for local residents has had its four-star rating restored by the Environment Agency (EA) after previously being told it ‘required improvement’.

Wessex Water regained the status after meeting six out of seven targets set by the EA for the company.

But it was told not to be complacent because work was still needed to reduce pollution incidents.

The EA’s annual report on the environmental performance of English water and sewerage companies during 2023 showed an improvement in ratings, but also a majority continuing to underperform.

Water companies receive a rating from one to four stars, and the much-criticised South West Water which also supplies some residents, was again given a two-star ‘requiring improvement’ rating.

EA Wessex area environment manager Paul Hardy said: “We are pleased to see Wessex Water’s return to being a four-star, leading company, setting an example for poorer performing companies.”