ROCKWELL Green Shortmat Bowls Club welcomed back Corfe to the village hall after many years for a four-mat contest.

Starting things off (Green names first ) Syd, John St & John Y met Joan, Christine & David B. The first 5 ends were very tight at 5 apiece; then a 3 on end 6 saw Corfe take a commanding lead, eventually winning 12-7.

Next to play, John G, Reg & Mike R were pitted against Daryl, Mike & David K. The Green trio started well racking up 9 shots before Corfe could muster a scoring shot. A 6 on end 7 just compounded Corfe's misery and the home side gained a rather flattering 19-3 victory . The Green led 26-15 at the break.

The restart saw Christine, Cass & Bob drawn against Alan, Daryl & David K. The Green held a slight lead 6-4 lead as Corfe took the last 5 ends to win 14-6.

To round off the evening Joy, Bill & Brian came up against June, Christine & David B. The Green rather dominated the game, only allowing Corfe shots on two ends, giving the Green a comprehensive victory 14-3. Overall the Green won 46-32.

A date was set for the return when the Green travel to Corfe where very few of their members have played .