COUNCILLORS believe that Wellington Town Council needs a permanent climate change project officer to help with future initiatives to ensure that they are doing their bit for the local environment.

The council has been very keen to embrace its responsibility – locally – on helping to protect the environment and has already had Stephen Tate developing a climate change strategy on a part-time basis for a six-month period since January this year which was extended by a further six months in June.

But members of the council’s environment committee on September 18 were asked to think about turning the “temporary” part-time position into a permanent one.

Town clerk Dave Farrow said: “My view is that the post is developing a clear action plan and if we do not drive this forward the plan will just sit on the shelf and we won’t get anything done.”

Councillors were unanimous in their support for Mr Farrow’s proposal that the role should be permanent.

Deputy Mayor, Cllr Catherine Govier, said: “It is a no-brainer – this is something we need to do.

“A key part of the role will be finding out free schemes we can get involved in and looking for grants for green initiatives.

“If we do not make this post permanent – the plan will not go anywhere.”

Cllr Mark Lithgow said doing this would see the council taking another step to “completing the circle” and returning to 50 years ago when the authority was the Wellington Urban District Council.

“We need roles like this in order for to get the work done,” said Cllr Lithgow.

Mr Farrow, in a report, said: “In its vision the council has committed to the town becoming a net carbon neutral town.

“In reality the only way we are going to be able to being to work towards this is by having a dedicated resource focussed on this area of work.”

Mr Farrow added: “It has become apparent that the work of the climate change project officer requires a longer time frame not only to work up the detail, but then also to drive the delivery of it.”