LABOUR has fired the starting gun on its campaign to win the Tiverton and Minehead constituency in the forthcoming general election.

Secondary school teacher Jonathan Barter has been selected to fight for the seat, in an area he admitted the party doesn’t have a high profile.

Announcing his candidacy, Mr Barter said he would “put rural communities first.”

He said: “I am proud of Labour’s missions for a better Britain and how rural communities will benefit. This constituency matters. I grew up here, live here, and will listen to you. I understand the importance of engaging the whole community, not just those who have voted Labour before. 

“Children and families are the reason I go to work and I have been delivering for them, as a secondary school teacher, for eight years. I have lived and worked here my whole life and face the same day-to-day challenges including the cost-of-living, as every other resident. 

“I will prioritise issues facing rural communities. People deserve decent public transport, the ability to see a dentist, social care, affordable homes and the ability to earn a living whether it's in public service, business, farming, or any of our local industries.

“I am looking forward to visiting places you wouldn’t normally expect to see Labour. Chatting to people in places like Combe Florey, Wivey, Uffculme and Langford Budville has reaffirmed my belief that Labour will deliver for them just as much as for people in Minehead or Tiverton, or indeed Bristol or London.” 

Mr Barter set out five “key pledges” for the campaign which includes working to bring down the cost of food and bills, recruiting more doctors and nurses, and improving access to public transport in remote areas. Mr Barter, who went to school at Kingsmead in Wiveliscombe, said as a local person, he is as much hit by the cost of living crisis as anyone.

He said: “As a local resident I'm facing the cost-of-living crisis like we all are. People need more money in their pockets. Energy and food bills need to come down. The economy needs to serve working people again. I will work tirelessly as your MP to make this happen.”

The Taunton-born teacher said he had already been out pounding the pavements across the constituency, including in Tiverton and Cotford St Luke, as he campaigns ahead of the election on July 4. He has previously served as his party’s spokesperson in the Taunton and Wellington constituency.

The Minehead area, which formerly fell under the Bridgwater constituency, has never been won by the Labour Party, which has not managed to poll second place since the 1979 general election.

However, the party could have cause for hope this year with UK Polling Report forecasting Labour to place a competitive third in the election, which they say threatens to be a three-way race.

It’s a prediction reflected in analysis by Electoral Calculus, which gives the party a 28 per cent chance of taking the seat at the next election.