Wellington's KFC is a step closer after planners gave the thumbs up for the fried chicken chain to set up shop in Chelston Business Park.

Many residents were excited when KFC launched their bid to build on a vacant plot in Westpark back in April.

At around 2,000 square metres, the new chicken restaurant would be around half the size of the nearby McDonald's drive-thru restaurant.

Acting for KFC, Mike Taylor, of Bristol-based Angus Meek Architects told planners the building would be ‘typical for this type of use’ and in keeping with its surroundings and would enhance the existing business park.

Officials at Somerset Council agreed, giving the green light to the proposals which they said would have 'no adverse affect' on road safety, character of the area and amenity to adjoining residential areas. Approving the proposals they said:

"The proposed scale, siting, design and external appearance of the building, and proposed landscaping are considered to be compatible with the Business Park.

"Development would have no adverse impact upon highway safety, character or appearance of the area, or the amenity of adjoining residential uses. The proposal is therefore considered to be consistent with the policies of the Development Plan."

Approval has now been granted with a number of conditions, including limiting the drive-thru opening time to the hours of 7 am and 11 pm and that 12 electric vehicle charging bays must be built before the site comes into use.

The fried chicken chain's Wellington debut was also backed by Wellington Town Council, who recommended the plans for approval.

Construction is now set to commence, though the competition date remains unclear.