A PREMIERE movie screening is being hosted as an interim event by organisers of Wellington Film Festival, which is still a year away.

They will screen Shalborne, a first feature film scripted and directed by and starring actress Caroline Corrie, which won best foreign feature at the Female Eye film festival in Toronto, Canada.

The costume drama is set in 1905 and filmed mostly on the South Devon coast, and also features Cothay Manor, near Wellington, and Fursdon House, near Tiverton, among its key locations.

A drawing room scene being set up for the filming of Shalborne, a premiere of which is being hosted by Wellington Film Festival organisers.
A drawing room scene being set up for the filming of Shalborne, a premiere of which is being hosted by Wellington Film Festival organisers. ( )

Ms Corrie will attend the Wellesley Cinema, Wellington, for a question and answer session with festival vice-chairman Keith Wheatley after the 7.30 pm screening on Sunday, November 3.

Mr Wheatley said: “In an era when Hollywood blockbusters can have a budget of $100 million or more, the making of Shalborne is a remarkable story of her sheer determination and perseverance.

“As well as being beautiful to look at, Shalborne is an examination of the harsh limitations to a privileged woman’s life in Edwardian England.”

Ms Corrie, who made all the costumes herself, said: “Yes, you can still make a feature film on your own if you have kind and talented friends, seven years’ worth of patience, and a sewing machine.”