GLORIOUS spring sunshine marked the final day of the Wellington Film Festival with more 300 people filling the town’s park.

Revellers enjoyed a concert of movie themes performed by the town’s silver band and encounters with a variety of terrifying dinosaurs.

“This year’s festival couldn’t have been luckier with the weather, the crowds of people who turned out to support 14 different events over two-and-a-half days but mostly with the wonderful people who worked to make it happen,” said festival chairman Cllr Keith Wheatley.

“Even the heavenly bodies helped out, with an amazing full moon hovering above the United Reform Church  as Jon Stay’s psychedelic projections ran across the building.

“Seriously, without the team from Somerset Film, the wonderful facilities at the Arts Centre and the tireless work of the Friends of Wellington Park, we’d have been nowhere.”

This was the second Wellington Film Festival. Planning for the first event began in 2018 but the 2020 Covid pandemic pushed back the launch by two years.

“The values of providing affordable or free events at venues across the community will continue, even as the films themselves change,” said Cllr Wheatley.

Visit for more information on the festival.