IN THE South and West Somerset Ladies Bowls League, Wellington Ladies played Watchet and won both home and away matches. These consist of four players playing at home and four away at the same time.

The home team of June Anderson, Janet Lovell, Monica Carter and skip Ann Cowling enjoyed a closely fought match against a strong Watchet team. In the end they won by one shot - 16 shots to 15.

The away team of Wendy Scott, Pat Bridger, Shirley Samuel and skip Angie Moore had an easier win away at Watchet. They were leading for a good part of the match and won by 27-8. This meant that Wellington got the two points for each win and a further two for an overall win.

In a different league, Somerset Ladies Bowls League, played on a Saturday, Wellington were also successful. This was a match of three triples played away at Taunton. The first team of June Anderson, Shirley Samuel and Ann Cowling won their match 16- 9. Also on the winning side were Thelma Helps, Angie Moore and Lynda Manning. They won by 20 shots to 10. The team of Wendy Scott, Janet Moore and Marguerite Nichols were narrowly beaten 14-18.

Wellington won overall by 13 shots.