WELLINGTON A are topping the Somerset County Bowls SW 1 League following a fine 65-59 away win over Yeovil B.

However, it was not all plain sailing. Darren Sparks, Henry Richbell, Graham Brown and skip Paul Kelly came up against formidable opposition. The Yeovil side won the first seven ends to lead 15 – 0.

Paul Kelly got behind his team and they fought back hard in the second half but they could not catch Yeovil who won it 28 – 14.

Mike Copping, Roger Murphy, Nick Channon and skip Mike Groves were level on nine shots each after nine end.. With two ends to go the score was 20 shots to Wellington, 20 shots to Yeovil. 

Wellington won by two shots in the next and by another two shots in the last to win a very tight and competitive match 24 – 20.

Pete Nichols, Eddy Dilley, Jay Merrell and skip Phil Ellis set off at a good pace and Yeovil found themselves five shots down after seven ends. They tried to come back but Phil's side went on to win convincingly 27 shots to 11. So Wellington collected ten league points.

Wellington’s last game in the league is against Bridgwater at the end of the month.