WELLINGTON Bowling Club welcomed four teams from Hemyock for a friendly mixed triples match - with the home club emerging winners of an enjoyable game.

Tracey Richbell, Monica Carter and skip Henry Richbell had a good game against strong opposition. At the half-way point the Wellington trio were leading 6 – 5 but in the second half they got stuck on 6 shots for seven ends while the Hemyock side piled on the points to win 16-10.

Suzanne Worth, Arthur Carter and skip Clive Manning were leading 12-4 when the teams went in for tea. However the Hemyock threesome not only picked up the pace but almost got a Hot-Shot in the thirteenth end. They got eight of their nine bowls nearest the jack. Not content with that they went on to win it by one shot 19-18.

Ron Elston, Janet Lovell and skip Ian Hollingsworth led 9 – 5 at the halfway point. The Hemyock side came back at them in the second half but it was too late and Wellington won 15–13.

Trevor Jenkins, June Anderson and skip Darren Sparks came up trumps. They led by 9-4 before the tea-break and kept up the pace afterwards winning fairly comfortably 19 – 7. The overall score was Wellington 62, Hemyock 55.