DESPTE a loss against Exonia last week, Wellington Tigers found themselves top of the fourth division in the Exeter and District Over 60s Bowls League. But they have a major fight on their hands if they want to stay top.

With two more games before the end of the season they are only three points ahead of Ottery Buzzards and Crediton B. The Tigers have 85 points and the other two have 82, so there is nothing in it.

Their match against Exonia last week was a big test for them. Derek Vile, Ian Hollingsworth and skip David Beaudet found themselves chasing the lead in the early part of the game but by the 13th end they managed to draw level on 14 shots apiece. The Tigers picked up five in the last few ends to pinch it by just one shot, 18 – 17.

Mike Connor, Eddie Dilley and skip Henry Richbell got off to a bad start. They were 8-1 down after four ends.They managed to pick up the pace a little in the end game but could not catch the Exonia side who won 21-13.

The overall final score was 39 to Exonia, 31 to Wellington Tigers.