WELLINGTON A met Somerton at home in the Somerset Men’s South West One Bowls League - and gained a smashing 75-45 victory.

Pete Nichols, Eddie Dilley, Jay Merrell and skip Phil Ellis got off to a very good start and by the halfway point were well ahead, leading 18 shots to 3.

Somerton managed to pull back a little in the second half but Wellington were on a roll and went on to win it in style by 29 shots to 12.

Darren Sparks, Henry Richbell, Graham Brown and skip Paul Kelly had a much harder task on their hands. They were level at four shots each after seven ends but the Somerton quartet proved to be too strong on the day, winning comfortably 26 - 13.

With the two clubs being level on one game apiece, it all depended on the last rink.

Mike Copping, Roger Murphy, Nick Channon and skip Mike Groves started well and never looked back. The Somerton four could not keep up and Wellington went on to win it by a big margin, 33 shots to Somerton's 7.

The match finished with a good victory for Wellington A by 75 shots to 45, giving them 10 league points to Somerton’s two.