WELLINGTON A have lost a crucial top of the table clash against Bridgwater A in their last match in Somerset South West 1 Men's Bowls League

They went into the game with 77 points while second placed Bridgwater A were on 74.

However, Bridgwater won in style. They came to Wellington to play on an away team's green and played as if it were their own.

Pete Nichols, Eddie Dilley, Jay Merrell and skip Phil Ellis started reasonably well. In fact half way through they led 12 – 11. But that was their only claim to fame because the Bridgwater foursome moved on to win 25 – 17.

Mike Copping, Roger Murphy, Nick Channon and skip Mike Groves had a slow start and although they came back hard they could never catch up, losing 26 – 15.

On rink 3 Darren Sparks, Henry Richbell, Graham Brown and skip Paul Kelly ran into serious trouble against a formidable Bridgwater side who won comfortably 34 – 11.

The overall result was Bridgwater A 85, Wellington A 43 and the Bridgwater side picked up all 12 points to move them into first place in the league and promotion to the Premier League.

Despite their loss, Wellington A deserve to be congratulated for coming runners-up in the league..