FORMER Somerset player Max Waller has presented the Division A bowling award to Wellington's Rob Moysey at Somerset County Sports Cricket League's awards night at the Wyvern Club, Taunton.

After making the presentations Max took part in a question and answer session with those present during which he provided an interesting insight to his successful career. One of the highlights was in 2009 when as a 21 year old he had been privileged enough to have enjoyed a one to one coaching session with leg spin legend Shane Warne, who sadly passed away last year.

Division A individual winners were: Batting - Rob Chiplin (Bagborough); Bowling - Rob Moysey (Wellington); Young Players - Taylor Richards (Bagborough) and Tom Wilcox (Kilve);

A special award was made to Martin Baldock of Taunton St Andrews who last year captured his 2000th wicket and who has been a great champion of the league since its beginning.