ONE for the Ditch continue to stamp their authority on the Blackdown Hills Skittle Division A league with another triumphant home win over the Bashers.

The runner up spot is still up for grabs however with two teams - Dam Busters and Sociable - currently tied for second on 29 points and three teams tied for third - Hairy Ringers, Jack of All Trades and Pinpricks - on 27 points.

In Division B, The Black Run Bandits are the champions and gain promotion to the top league in just their first season.

The second promotion place is still up for grabs though with six teams still in with a chance. Its going to be an interesting final two weeks.

Division A: Jacks of all Trades 429 (R Sparks & J Sydenham 68), Dam Busters 407 (J Jackson 67); Kings 400 (T Brown 68), Sociables 430 (N Hodge 69); One for the Ditch 371 (O Hine 61), Bashers 360 (K Bright 60); Hairy Ringers 339 (A Crabb 52), Pinpricks 349 (A Edwards 54); Pitch Plate Rejects 321 (S Gover 51), Half Moon 294 (L Summers 49); Brass Monkeys 402 (A Bussell 73), Floppers 390 (S Groves 68).

Division B: Thirsty Farmers 389 (D Tuckett 71), Queens Knockers 371 (H Mason & S Nicholls 57); Right up your Alley 361 (K Winslade 55), Lamb Chaps 362 (S Dowson 55); Novices 327 (S Lock 59), Hopefuls 316 (K Pinder 65); Catherine Wheel 388 (A Doble 62), Black Run Bandits 414 (J Down 66); Wobbly Wheels 343 (B King 55), Flopper Knockers 306 (I Keers 48); Eezners 343 (M Bendle 60), High Flyers 287 (P Every 55).