WELLINGTON Ex-Services Skittles League AGM saw long serving committee member and current chairman David Bright and secretary Marc Bright all stand down from their roles.

Nominations were sought from the floor but unfortunately there wer none forthcoming. Jamie Milton, current CB Championship Rep, has stepped into the secretary’s role while current treasurer Darren Sparks and vice chairman/assistant secretary David Derrick remain in their roles.

Mike Johnson gave an impassioned plea to members present to ask if any of their team members would be interested in filling the vacant roles as failure to do so puts the future of the league at risk.

The league was also saddened to hear Moonrakers were resigning. as they struggled to raise a team for many matches, outgoing Chairman David Bright said this indeed was a sad moment and said it was a worry that so few younger players were taking up the game, on the plus side Moonrakers were replaced by a new team Nynehead Club.

Marc Bright congratulated all trophy winners and thanked teams for their support over the last three seasons. Marc also pointed out that the upcoming season had already been planned out and the league fixtures had been compiled although these may need a little tweaking depending on membership.