ROCKWELL Shortmat Bowls Club played hosts to a strong Kingsmead team for a 4 mat contest.

To kick things off (Green names first) Joy, John Ste & Bob were drawn against David Cot, Vicky & Martin. The Green trio found the Kingsmead trio in fine form and never got a foot hold in the game, going down 12-5.

Mat two saw Lauraine, Reg & Brian matched with Steve, Paul & Mike. Things did not look good for the Green who found themselves 7-2 down after seven ends but recovered well on the last three ends for a final score of 7-6 down.  The Green trailed 19-11 at the break..

When things did get underway again Mick, Sid & Bob came up against D L, Paul & Linda and before they knew it found themselves 12-2 down after 8 ends but did take the final two ends to make final score 12-7 .

Last up with a mountain to climb to save the game were Bill, Dave D & Brian against Hanna, Paul G & Paul M. In an absorbing game neither side gained a large advantage arriving at the last end with scores level at 6-all. The visitors’ experience told as they took the last end by two shots for a 8-6 victory.Overall: Rockwell 24, Kingsmead 39.