NINE Rockwell Green shortmat bowls players made the short trip to Langford Budville for a six-mat friendly against a strong Kingsmead team.

Green names first, Claire, Dave D & Reg met David C , Tessa & Vickie. The Green trio held their own early on before going down 13-3.

Next up Graham, Cass & Brian against Di, John & Martin. The first five ends were nip and tuck. The Green took a four on end six; the home trio fought hard to pull it back & got to 7-9 down but the Green held steady for a hard fought victory 11-7.

Christine, Bill & Mike R did battle with Steven, Paul & David G. The home trio made a good start to lead by 8-2 after seven ends but the Green managed to take the last three ends by a single shot on each end, giving Kingsmead a 8-5 win.

The restart saw Claire, Dave D & Reg under the cosh against Steven, Dave Cr & Paul, finding themselves 10-0 down and they eventually lost 16-6.

Graham, Cass & Brian faced David C, Tessa & Vickie. It all came down to the last end with Kingsmead winning 8-6. Christine, Bill & Mike R paired with Di, John & Martin and won 12-4. ​ Final scores were Kingsmead 56, The Green 43.