ON A scorching day, Wellington Khaki Sox headed to Exeter for a tough baseball game against table toppers Exeter Spitfires.,

Khaki Sox were up to bat first and it was quickly realised they were up against a strong pitcher & fielding team, with 3 outs in quick succession.  

But Khaki Sox also gave Exeter a tough innings, as pitcher Damien Goodall stepped up in full force & got a couple of strike outs, and along with great fielding from the Sox team, this meant no runs were scored.

The battle continued with no runs scored until the bottom of the 3rd innings when Exeter secured their first run. Exeter went on to score another 2 runs in the 4th and Wellington continued fighting and finally gained 2 runs by Alex Roberts and Damien Goodall with great batting & base running in the 5th. Damien's pitching skills meant that no runs were scored by Exeter in the 5th.

Exeter came back fighting and with some great batting skills, secured another 4 runs in the 6th, 7th and 8th innings. With the 9th and final innings up next, Khaki Sox were not giving up and gained another 2 runs by Jamie Pollard and Damien Goodall, leaving the score: Wellington Khaki Sox: 4, Exeter Spitfires: 7.