A LOCAL youth football manager has described the ‘disgusting condition’ of pitches for youngsters.

Wellington Under 12s manager James McAlpine says: "The ground at Dobree Park, Rockwell Green, is owned/managed by Somerset Council and the teams who use this area are charged for the privilege!

“The ground at Dobree Park has been neglected all year and summer by the council despite receiving hundreds of pounds from children's teams who have to pay £35 every time they use it. “

He continued: "Despite the season only just starting, the children who use this pitch have already had matches cancelled due to poor and unsafe conditions.

"As this is the "allocated" pitch to certain age groups if unable to use the children have no option but to cancel their games and with winter approaching it looks as though the children will miss months of playing time.

"The parents contribute monthly to ensure the clubs can afford to hire these areas and already are being advised matches are cancelled due to pitch conditions. The children are passionate about football and representing their home town but despite multiple attempts to contact the Council for support no one has been forthcoming and every department has responded with "not our department".