OAKE Manor Golf Club's Saturday Stableford was well supported with 110 taking part. James Symons won division 1, scoring 41 points, Simon Dyke came second with 39 points while Mark Tydings was third, also with 39 points.

Darren Cornwall won division 2 with 42 points, Oliver Beynon was second with 40 points while John Wall came third, also with 40 points, Michael Holiday won division 3 with 37 points, Edward Winter came second with 36 points and Martin Thorne was third, also with 36 points.

Daniel Owen scored an excellent 43 points to win the Sunday Stableford, Michael Osguthorpe came second with 38 points and Alexander Pearson was third. also with 38 points.

The Bank Holiday Monday Stableford was won by Darren Cornwall with 40 points, his second win of the weekend, Ashley Hewitt came second with 38 points and Mark Mitchell was third, also with 38 points.

Kate Foster and Daphne Priddy won the Ladies Coronation Foursomes, scoring 42 points, Jane Clist and Nancy Mashall were second with 40 points while Ladies Captain Liz How and Ros Shepherd were third with 37 points.

Andy Avis won the Wednesday Midweek Medal with a superb nett 63, Neil Blackmore was second with nett 67 and Daniel White third with nett 68.