FIFTEEN bowlers from Wellington set off for some games of mixed triples in Topsham, Devon. 

Wendy Scott, Lynda Manning and skip Pete Nichols were enjoying themselves especially as they were nicely ahead after 10 ends, leading 10 shots to 6. But their Topsham opponents fought back well and pipped them at the post, winning 16-11

Kevin Austin, Angie Moore and skip Darren Sparks were determined not to let that happen to them and they steamed off at a fast pace. They kept it up right to the end to come out with an impressive 23-11 victory.

Patricia Harvey, Phil Wiggan and skip Clive Manning ran into trouble against a very strong Topsham side who collected 28 shots to Wellington's 12.

Shirley Samuel, Andrew Pearce and skip Christine Willcocks had a good old tussle on their rink. There was never very much between the sides but the Topsham trio just managed a win 15-12.

In the last rink, a strong Topsham threesome picked up 7 shots over two ends early on which laid down a big challenge to the Wellington trio. It was up to Geoff Stamp, Marguerite Nichols and skip Paul Kelly to catch them. They did all they could but the Toppers build a good lead to win 20-13.