WITH only two more games to play there is very little to divide the four teams in Wellington Bowling Club’s Ladies' Friday League.

Coming in to this Friday's matches, Hazels are top of the table by one point with 19, Oaks and Elms were joint second with 18 and Rowans were not far behind on 13.

In their latest match, Janet Moore, Wendy Scott and skip June Anderson's Hazels played against Jane Hayes, Angie Moore and skip Diana Dagg's Elms.

It was a very tight match and Elms led by one shot with just one end to play but Hazels picked up 3 shots to pinch it 7 – 5.

Eileen Stewart, Michelle Newstead and skip Liz May's Rowans were leading 10 – 9 with one to play when Carol Horrill, Pauline Wadham and skip Debbie Lane's Oaks scored 2 shots in the last to win it 11 – 10.

The next two Friday matches will decide who will be the ladies’ league champions.