THERE have been two exciting bowls matches at Wellington Bowling Club - with Eagles and Hopefuls triumphing.
The Eagles took on the Badgers and the Hopefuls played the Blackbirds.
Janet Lovell, Ken Brown, Gerry Mangeolles and skip Steve Lovell's Eagles needed a win to move up the table.
However, Pat Bridger, Peter White, Geoff Stamp and skip Dave Bridger's Badgers were not going to make it easy for them.
After nine ends Badgers led by 9 shots to 8 and were looking good but Eagles picked up the pace in the last ends and flew ahead to win it 17 – 9.
In the second game, Carol Horrill, Steve Horrill, Richard Manning and skip Darren Sparks' Hopefuls found themselves in a very tight match against Liz May, Arthur Carter, Alan Every and skip Alan May's Blackbirds but they managed to stay a few shots up to win it 11 – 6.