SADLY, Wellington Bowling Club’s Open Day was not the success members hoped for - it rained! The green was sodden and large puddles covered much of its surface. So bowling outside was not possible.

Despite this a lot of people came along to enjoy free cups of tea with cakes and biscuits.

Because it was not possible to use the outdoor green, it was decided to try again and the club will be holding another Open Day on Sunday, June 9, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. so they hope to see lots of people who would like to have a go at playing bowls. 

It would not be necessary for new bowlers to wear any special clothes and soft shoes or trainers would be fine.

The club was very pleased that despite the bad weather, so many came along. Ten people who had not bowled before were given the chance to play in the indoor rink. They were helped by coaches Janet and Angie Moore and several enjoyed it so much they have already applied to become members.

Steve Lovell, who organised much of the Open Day, wishes to thank all those members who had so generously given their time to make it such a worthwhile event.