MEMBERS of Wellington Bowling Club have celebrated President’s Day and the closing of the green.

The ladies played against the men on all six rinks after a long battle over eleven ends....they won by one shot!

Guide Dogs for the Blind was the chosen charity of President Ann Cowling but, before the presentation, there were two fund raising games of “Spider”. This is when everyone stands in the ditches around the edge of the green and bowls to see who can get nearest to the bottle in the middle. The two winners were Debbie Beasley and Brian Wombwell.

Members have been putting money in a small statue of a dog in the clubhouse for much of the year. There was another competition to see who could guess how much had been collected and president Ann Cowling was nearest. Ann very kindly gave her prize to the association.

Mark Wilson came along with his wonderfully behaved guide dog, Robin the Labrador who was the star of the show.

Everyone was so pleased to hand over a big cheque for £1008.30 to Rob Counsel and his associate from the G.D.B.A. 

Particular thanks go to Ann Cowling, Steve Lovell and Brenda Wilson for all their work on the day.