I’VE always found the use of the whip in horse racing unacceptable and should be banned altogether. So I’m disappointed that the British Horse-racing Authority (BHA) has been forced into an embarrassing U-turn on the use of the whip.

Six months ago it announced strict new rules which were going to come into force next month. These were in accordance with recommendations made by a whip consultation steering group, which comprised people from within and outside the sport.

Riders were to be barred from using the whip in the forehand position which allows it to be used with more force.

The new rule, however, has now been ditched after objections by riders.

It has been replaced by the number of times the whip may be used in a race.

My view is that the whip should not be used at all.

The main focus of a race comes at the end when jockeys make for the finishing line. Unfortunately, it also involves the most use of a whip.

I’m sure racing would easily survive the barring of the whip and that the 85,000 jobs depending on the sport would be safe. It is, after all, Britain’s second biggest spectator sport.