'YOU want to put something in your Notes about this' - so I will. The person was referring (yet again) to the slow moving traffic lights in South Street.

I drove down there recently and found myself in a long queue waiting for the lights to change. And when they did, they let only two or three vehicles through before returning to red.

This has been a common occurrence in South Street over a period of years. And it's naturally very frustrating when you think you're going to get through and the lights quickly change. In this day and age you would have thought the 'powers that be' would have solved the problem. It can't be rocket science.

One serious aspect to the lights changing slowly is that drivers are becoming so frustrated they are ‘jumping’ the red lights, putting not only other drivers in danger but also themselves.

THE Horizon IT inquiry and the infected blood scandal continues to shame Britain. How were so many sub-postmasters allowed to be prosecuted without those in the know doing something about it.

A weeping Paula Vennells (post office management executive at the time) apparently knew of potential wrongful convictions more than a year before the company halted prosecutions - that was in October, 2013. Hundreds of sub-postmasters' lives were ruined - and yet no official has yet been prosecuted for such wrong-doing.

The first full compensation payments for victims of the infected blood scandal are going to be paid - by the end of the year! About time. More than 30,000 people were infected with deadly viruses between the 70s and early 90s through receiving blood transfusions or blood products while receiving NHS care.

It is only now that those infected or affected are finally going to get their money. And just to conclude, no prosecution over the Grenfell Tower fire (2019) is likely before 2026. No doubt it will be another big pay day for lawyers.

I'VE seen many potholes with white rings around them. Is this a warning to motorists to avoid them or a signal that they have to be filled in? This has now become a problem which we are unlikely to ever solve. I've seen work being done to fill potholes, the very ones which filled six months ago.

Motorists don't need to be warned about where potholes are - they've been there for years. The real problem today is that many major roads are affected. The answer, of course, is to resurface the road. And this will not be done because of the cost.

YOU would have thought that with lighter evenings more people - especially children - would be out and about. But no, when I walk my dog at night, I barely see a soul. And I never see children playing in the streets or in open spaces.

We were always out in the evenings as kids. I'm afraid that's not the case these days, and will our youngsters suffer health-wise later in life?

I SEE Wayne Rooney, a flop as manager of Birmingham City, has been appointed new boss of Plymouth Argyle.

"Taking this role at Plymouth feels like the perfect next step in my career," he said. "I look forward to helping to build a squad to play expansive football - and to entertain the Green Army."

So he's going to expand the side, eh! What's he talking about? Why do some managers talk in riddles? It may sound good but at the end of the day he has to field a side which wins games. He lost nine of his 15 matches at Birmingham - presumably by playing expansive football. It didn't produce results there so why at Plymouth?