GREETINGS. Labels. Not sure I like labels. Sometimes it is good to label an item, so I know what it is and where I put it. A label on a suitcase is a good idea. But labels on people? Perhaps not.

A fellow labelled me the other day. We got into a lively discussion about some ethical issues. Somewhere in our conversation he asked what kind of work I was in. I told him and he said, “Oh, I see,” and grew silent. Our conversation stopped. He put a label on me, and he chose to end our conversation.

I wanted to say, “No, you don’t. Don’t you put me in that box’. You don’t know what I am like, you don’t know what my beliefs are.” So was that a fair conclusion to our conversation? Probably not.

Labels! Stick them on a person, and you know what to expect. Really?

What if God did that with us? What if God judged us by our outward appearance? What if he judged us based on where we grew up? Or what we do for a living? Or the mistakes we made when we were young? He wouldn’t do that, would he? “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Mt 7:1–2).

No doubt you’ve judged. You’ve labelled. You’ve slammed the gavel and proclaimed the guilt before knowing the facts.

However, can I suggest caution when you seek to judge? That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t discern. That does mean we shouldn’t pass verdict. The amount of grace you give is the amount you get. Perhaps you have been the topic of conversation. You have been left on the outside looking in. You’ve been labelled. If so, perhaps note this, when everyone else rejects you, Christ accepts you. When everyone else leaves you, Christ finds you. When no one else wants you, Christ claims you. When no one else will give you the time of day, Jesus will give you the words of eternity.

What is the work of God? Accepting people. Loving before judging. Caring before condemning.

Perhaps look before you label.

Pastor Martyn

Wiveliscombe Evangelical Church