PLANS have been revealed for an £18 million upgrade of Wellington’s sewage treatment works to enable massive new housing development.
It comes as town councillors are due to hear on Monday (November 4) about phase two housebuilding on the Longforth Farm estate and a new greenfield development off Wardleworth Way, Tonedale.
Housebuilding in Wellington has been slowed or prevented for several years by a Natural England ruling that it must not add to levels of wildlife-harming phosphates draining onto the Somerset Levels.

One obstacle for developers was that many water treatment plants did not have capacity to clean extra waste water.
Now, Wessex Water has scheduled investment in Wellington’s treatment works, in Tonedale, for 2025/30, although it was still ‘subject to review and agreement with the industry regulator’.
A spokesman said: “The upgrade would be part of wider phosphorus removal and storm spill reduction programmes across the whole of our region, with a proposal for £1.13 billion to improve water quality through nutrient reduction and £445 million to reduce the operation of storm overflows.
“These plans remain in the initial design phase and, subject to approval, we will be further informing and engaging with the local community about them ahead of any work on the project.’’