This morning in Wellington, the weather is overcast with a temperature of 9°C.

In the afternoon, it will remain overcast with the temperature rising slightly to 10°C.

Tomorrow morning, the weather will shift to mist with a temperature of 10°C, indicating a slight increase in warmth compared to today.

By the afternoon, it will become sunny with a temperature reaching 11°C.

Overall, tomorrow will be slightly warmer with sunny conditions in the afternoon and a temperature range between 10°C and 11°C.

In the next few days, the general trend indicates a mix of cloudy and sunny spells.

Temperatures will start at 9°C in the early hours and are expected to reach up to 11°C during the day.

Moderate rain will mark the following period, maintaining a steady temperature of 11°C throughout.

As we move forward, heavy rain will dominate with a significant increase in wind speed, and temperatures will slightly rise to 12°C.

The weather will transition from light rain showers to more severe conditions, culminating in a blizzard by the evening with temperatures dropping to as low as 1°C.

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