THOUSANDS of people turned out for Wellington’s 1940s street fair on Saturday, June 1.

The themed fair was held days ahead of the 80th anniversary of D-Day and saw some residents dress up in vintage clothes to mark the occasion.

The Liberty Sisters got the whole town up and dancing
The Liberty Sisters got the whole town up and dancing (Tindle )

Crowds turned out in force under clear blue skies and sunshine as two WW2-era planes flew overhead.

Residents took to the streets to dance to the Liberty Sisters swing and jazz trio who put on an animated performance. They were followed up by the Wellington Silver Band, who played a medley of classic war film themes including The Great Escape.

The fair saw a massive attendance, with more than 3,000 clocked by footfall monitors
The fair saw a massive attendance, with more than 3,000 clocked by footfall monitors (Tindle)

Wellington’s Mayor, Janet Lloyd, said: “It was an absolutely fantastic event, we had more than 3,000 people which was brilliant to see.

“I spoke to stallholders who said it was very well run - everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves and buying plenty of things from local traders whether it was food or other items.

Vintage military vehicles also made an appearance on Saturday
Vintage military vehicles also made an appearance on Saturday (Tindle)

“There was great entertainment at the Baptist Church which hosted plenty of fun and games including ‘hook-a-duck.’ Everybody had a great time and I would like to thank the town council staff for helping to make it possible.

The event was said to have been a 'fantastic success'
The event was said to have been a 'fantastic success' (Tindle)
Security was kept in check by regular tank patrols
Security was kept in check by regular tank patrols (Tindle)
The fair was said to be a big hit with revellers and stallholders
The fair was said to be a big hit with revellers and stallholders (Tindle)

“They have been working non-stop since February to get everything organised, and were onsite as early as 5am and 6am to sort out the preparations for the fair. I’d like to thank them for all their work before, during and after the event - because of course there was clearing up to do as well!”