PLANNERS have approved the replacement of a Wellington town centre public toilet block which was badly damaged when a car crashed into it two years ago.
The town council submitted a planning application in October for a ‘modular’ building containing two unisex cubicles and an accessible toilet with baby changing facilities, plus a storage room for use by its staff.
Councillors have still to agree how they will raise the nearly £250,000 cost of the project, some of which will be met by an insurance payment which is still being negotiated.
They have looked at raising funds with a Public Works Loan Board application, which would spread the cost possibly over 25 or 50 years.

Somerset Council planning officer Anthony Pick in granting approval for the replacement toilets said the design and appearance was similar to the former building, which was demolished in March of this year.
Mr Pick said the footprint and height was reduced and therefore would not harm the character or appearance of the area, nor the setting of the town’s nearby conservation area.
He said the town council was including a Wellington Monument-shaped flower box planter on part of the site’s spare land which would see public art/greenery adding interest to the streetscape.
Mr Pick said there had not been any objections received when the planning application was advertised for public comments.
Town council planning agent Stephen Tapp, of Exeter-based Ravenslade, said: “The council are committed to replacing the original toilets to meet the needs of the public.”