COUNCILLORS are stepping up their aspirations for making Wellington Town Council very proactive in its continuing response to do its bit to protect the local environment.

The council has been talking about having a climate change strategy for a number of months and although still in its infancy, councillors are keen to move it forward.

Town clerk Dave Farrow, speaking at Wellington Town Council’s environment committee meeting on May 22, said: “We are looking at having a dedicated page on the council’s website about climate change and engaging more with the community about the subject and working with other agencies.

“We have got the bare bones of an action plan, but we will be building on it over the next few months.”

Committee chairman, Cllr Mike McGuffie, said: “There are several ideas which we could get stuck into and get on with now, but it’s down to resources.”

Mr Farrow added: “There is a huge amount of potential with this.”

The council has so far set five different areas to look at within its climate change strategy – buildings and energy, transport, consumption of materials and food, waste, and natural spaces and biodiversity.

The council has also recently carried out a pop-up climate change survey where it showed, encouragingly, that all respondents said they did get involved with recycling.

Survey respondents also said they would like to receive further information from the town council about grants and schemes available to help with climate change issues and getting involved in community projects.