BOLLARDS in Wellington town centre have been given a much-needed lick of paint.

Wellington Town Council's community warden team has been carrying out a number of jobs in the area including cutting back overgrown vegetation along the Crosslands footpath to allow people a comfortable use of the path.

And a council spokesman, speaking on the authority's social media page, said: "We've also repainted the tired looking bollards in the town centre to be a shiny black. Decorative gold paint will be coming at a later date!"

It might only be a simple thing, but it helps towards making the town centre look tidier.

Bollards have also been repainted at Lancer Court, while the bottom half of the lampposts in the High Street have been given a much-needed coat of paint as well.

If there is something that you would like the council's community wardens to investigate - please email [email protected].