Wellington School students have celebrated after an A level results day which saw a large number of students awarded A* and A grades.
Almost a third of awarded grades were A or A*. Upper sixth student Barney Kerr came away from his exams with a whopping 4 A* grades, in computer science, maths, further maths and physics. He is now set to begin studying for a degree in electronic engineering with computer systems at the university of Southampton.
Results were also released for students taking their BTECs, with Hamish Ahmed attaining top distinctions in his Level 3 sports diploma, setting him up to study sports psychology at Loughborough University.
The majority of Wellington School students secured places at their preferred universities, including George Davis who will go on to study archaeology and anthropology at the University of Oxford.

Headmaster Eugene du Toit said. “We are very proud of our Upper Sixth students, who have worked hard and overcome many challenges during the past few years. It is very pleasing to see that their efforts have been rewarded.
"I am immensely grateful to our teachers for all the support and guidance they gave to the Class of 2023. Their willingness to go the extra mile is a reflection of their professionalism and dedication.”