WORN out signage has been renewed in Wellington Medical Centre’s car park to make it easier for patients who drive to the practice.

The new signage redefines spaces for people with disabilities and makes allowance for wider electric-powered vehicles.

The parent and child spaces and ambulance bay were also covered, and 5 mph speed limit signs installed.

The work was identified as necessary by the medical centre’s patient participation group (PPG), which also raised the funds to meet the cost.

Refreshing the car park’s white lining will be the next job to be carried out.

PPG chairman Veronica Tatnall said: “We are trying to make it easier for people with blue badges to get in and out of the car park.”

Practice manager Lydia Daniel-Baker thanked the patient group for its efforts.

The signage work was carried out by long established Somerset business Signs Express, based in Taunton.