A WELLINGTON resident is celebrating his Slimming World success which saw him shed nearly four stone without the need for weight loss drugs.

Darren Woodyer managed to lose three stone and ten pounds throughout his weight loss journey with the local branch.

Mr Woodyer said: “My life has changed dramatically due to the weight loss.

“I’m running again which I love, and without pain. More importantly, I’ve turned 50 and feel that I’m looking after myself which is very important at this stage in life.

“The group I attend in Wellington, run by Cheryl Mirto, is amazing. The support from the network of members is amazing – everybody is there for each other. I thank my fiancée, a Slimming World Target Member, for her ongoing support.

“Weight-loss drugs may seem like a quick and easy answer, but they are anything but. There are potential horrible side effects and they won’t work for everyone – without changes to diet and physical activity, those taking them will soon put the weight back on.

“We know Slimming World members don’t need to take weight loss medication to lose weight, and keep that weight off, but if anyone does decide to take them, we will welcome them to the group with open arms to ensure they are getting the support they need to make lifelong healthy changes.”

Slimming World Consultant Cheryl Mirto said: “Darren is a real inspiration to us all and we are so proud of him. When he first came through the door, he wanted to lose weight and feel more confident.

“He is proof that with self-belief, determination and the right kind of support from a group of people who understand what it feels like to struggle with your weight and truly care about your success, anyone’s weight loss can be achieved.”

Cheryl runs her group on Wednesdays between 5.30pm and 7pm at St. John’s Church, Wellington.