The Spartan Chamber Fitness Studio in Westpark, Wellington, is holding a suicide prevention meeting for men on the last Sunday of every month.

The monthly meetings, held in the gym's 'Sparbucks' cafe, provide a safe space for men to get together and talk about anything they'd like to, with only one rule - no phones for an hour.

The meetings are open to anyone and everybody who would like to attend.

Spartan Chamber Founder Ryan Atkins said: "After owning a gym for 5 years now I see first hand the positive impact it can have on peoples mental health by simply talking.

"So we have decided to use our platform and facilities to help hold a monthly meet at the Spartan Chamber Gym.

"It is no secret that when it comes to talking, men are nothing short of terrible.  Suicide is the biggest cause of death in men under the age of 50 and alot of the time can be prevented by simply having someone to talk to.

"This is why we are introducing the gentlemen’s club. This will be a safe space for men of all backgrounds ages and agendas to meet and chat about anything and everything they like. 

"The concept is simple. Each meeting we will have 3 topics to discuss. These will range from light hearted to more serious and engaging coversations. The aim of which is to get us lads talking. 

"If you are sat there reading this thinking “ I dont need that im fine”, no problem at all but believe me when I say that the man you nodded at earlier in the weights area or the young lad who said hello as you were walking out the gym earlier might not be. 

"Maybe they need a chat. Maybe they need to just get of the house and get some things of their chest. Maybe they just need to be surrounded by some other people, rather than going home to sit in an empty house by themselves.

"This meet is open to anyone and everyone and will take place on the last sunday of each month in the Sparbucks cafe. Even if it helps one person it will be worth our time. Alot more men need this than you think."

"We are more than just a gym."