A Wellington fire crew were partially obstructed by parked cars on both sides of the road as they responded to an incident on Friday.

As firefighters attended an incident in the Wellington area they faced difficulty navigating the roads due to parked cars.

In a statement posted to social media the Wellington Fire Station appealed for drivers to be considerate when parking:

A spokesperson said: "Crews on Friday evening responded to a carbon monoxide alarm in the Wellington area. Our new MRP pump is slightly bigger than the previous one which makes it slightly more difficult navigating some roads where cars are parked on both sides of the road.

"This hampers our response times and in the worst case scenario means we can't get close enough if needed. Please consider when parking if there is enough space for emergency services vehicles when using the last tight space. Thank you."

The fire service posted a picture to their Facebook page showing a tight squeeze as they passed parked cars on the roadside.

The post prompted a reaction on social media in a group for Wellington residents. One member said: "The roads on housing estates are far too narrow and the lack proper sized garages and driveways are to blame for a lot of this."

In response another member said: "If you buy a house with not enough spaces and then choose to disregard your neighbours because you are too lazy or self centred to park in more appropriate locations that is a 'you' issue. Why should everyone else suffer for your choices?"

The obstruction comes after the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service responded to 307 incidents in the past seven days.