COUNCILLORS have called on the county highways department to repaint car parking spaces in Wellington town centre before there is a serious accident.

Members of Wellington Town Council’s economic development committee said some white line markings had virtually disappeared over time.

Cllr John Thorne said that the parallel parking bays outside the former Post Office in the High Street urgently needed repainting and that it was becoming ‘a free for all’.

He said: “The lines have completely gone.

“There are accidents or near misses on many occasions because people are parking herringbone style and reversing out into traffic.

“That needs to be sorted out quite urgently.”

But councillors were left disappointed when they heard that they might have to wait another year before any work could be carried out by Somerset Council.

Councillors were told that Somerset Council had advised the town council that any faded white lines, including centre lines and disabled bays, could be added to their list for submission after April to be carried out next year.

They heard the unitary authority now only advertised such changes once a year.

Town council chief executive Dave Farrow said: “The Taunton Deane area, which includes Wellington, has just been done, so it will be another 12 months before the next parking amendment order.”

The Springfield Road car park, in Wellington, which the town council could consider taking on. PHOTO: Google Maps.
The Springfield Road car park, in Wellington, which the town council could consider taking on. PHOTO: Google Maps. ( )

Cllr Thorne said: “It is too long to wait 12 months for the work to be done outside the old Post Office.

“Perhaps we should do it ourselves.”

Cllr Keith Wheatley agreed with Cllr Thorne and said without the proper white lines people were parking on the pavement and causing a problem.

He said: “We should have a word with the police and see if they can put out a few frighteners.

“The parking there is not safe or legitimate.”

Cllr Wheatley also spoke about the red coloured waiting areas at traffic lights for cyclists which had also become ‘virtually invisible’.

He said Somerset Council was always encouraging people to get on their bikes as part of Active Travel schemes.

But, he said: “Active Travel is a load of hot air if it is not safe for people to cycle about.”

The committee voted unanimously to recommend full council to fund the High Street parking lines if Somerset Council would not do the work.

Councillors heard also how residents had contacted the council to see if the parking bays in North Street car park could be ‘re-whitened’.

They also recognised other road markings needed to be enhanced once again as a matter of urgency.

Mr Farrow also told councillors he had yet to hear back after their offer to take on the ownership of the Springfield Road free car park in Wellington.

Somerset Council is currently carrying out a review of charges at car parks across the county and wants to make people pay to park in car parks which are currently free.

But local councillors have said the town council should instead be allowed to take on the Springfield Road car park and save Somerset the job of maintaining it.