A TREASURER is being sought for Wellington Community Centre after current post holder Colin Spackman told the management committee he wanted to step down.

Mr Spackman, who joined the committee when it was formed in 2012, told the annual meeting he would only continue long enough for a replacement to be found.

He was re-elected along with community centre chairman Dave Mitton, vice-chairman Rowen Wilde, and secretary Jill Mitton.

Long-serving Eiron Kirkby retired after more than 10 years in which she had been chairman and vice-chairman, while local illustrator Alex Williams joined.

Mr Mitton said the centre had recovered from the effects of the Covid pandemic but was still to reach the level of bookings of 2019, although it was ‘healthy and improving’.

He said trusteeship of the centre had been under discussion during the past year and legal advice was being sought on passing it from Somerset Council to Wellington Town Council.

There had been great sadness at the death of stalwart Richard Fox, who had been involved in running the centre for decades and helped with many repair and painting projects over the years.

Mr Spackman reported a healthy financial position with a surplus of more than £2,100 after meeting regular payments for utilities and insurance and a £1,000 bill for treating woodworm in the roof.

He said the true figure was even better because two late payments were received after the closure of the accounting year.

However, he warned 2024 might be strain after £3,200 was paid for a new heating boiler, which might mean the centre did not break even.

Mr Spackman said: “Over the last 10 years the centre has become financially stable.

“Our bank balance has risen steadily despite many improvements, a renovated toilet block, redecoration of the entire centre, double glazing in the hall and back room, sound-absorbing clouds in the hall and many other smaller but worthwhile changes.

“We have not put up our hall hire rates for over 10 years and as long as we approximately break even or generate a surplus each year then there is no reason why we should.”