Families with young children flocked to Wellington park on Wednesday morning (August 9) as the first 'Wacky Wednesday' of the summer holidays got underway.

The event saw over 300 in attendance, who had come to enjoy a range of entertainments in the sun, all on offer for just £1.

The initiative provides a cost-effective day out for young children and their families, with a hot dog or burger included in the price of admission.

Wednesday's event saw a host of local groups set up stall, providing both entertainment and support to local families. Marion Vincent of Growing Minds helped organise the event. She said:

"There’s a whole lot of organisations here, and we have got more than 300 people booked in today, it is going to be great. 

"These events happen for families in the summer holidays because we are aware there is a huge cost implication when the summer holidays hit so we try and put on these events at a low charge – it is £1 per person. 

"For the price of admission you get all the activities, you get fed and you come and have a great time. Today we have got Gecko Rainbow with their amazing bubbles, they’re a big organisation which have come today.

"Every Wacky Wednesday we try to get a big entertainer in. We have got Churches Together, Somerset Young Minds, Court Fields Pre-school, Live West and more."

Marion encouraged residents to sign up for the next event, to be held in two weeks

"Sign up, there’s still spaces for Wacky Wednesday on August 23, come on down, sign up online on our Wacky Wednesday Facebook page, all the details are there – it’s 11 am until 12.45."


The event featured a number of stalls providing advice and support to families
The event featured a number of stalls providing advice and support to families (Tindle)

Bob House is an organiser with Wellington's One Team, a group which brings agencies together to support vulnerable communities. He said: “This is an event where we put on lots of different activities for families particularly for the primary school age group. They can come and enjoy all the activities from all these groups from in and around the town. 

“Of late in the last couple of years there has been upwards of three or four hundred in attendance. The event is very popular now and people try and book in early. 

“It’s a very cheap day out and you get a nice Tim Potter’s sausage or burger, he’s very generous, he’s always be very generous – during Covid time he was very generous to the town and supports us in our Wacky Wednesday events."

Town Cllr Andy Govier had given up his time to man the park's barbecue where he was cooking up hot dogs and burgers. He said the council are very supportive of the event, and are its part-sponsors.

A Wellington Weekly journalist tried the inaugural hot dog to come off of Mr Govier's grill and can report it was a top quality bite to eat.

Cllr Govier cooked up a mean hot dog
Cllr Govier cooked up a mean hot dog (Tindle)

Also present at the event was Pete Joint, a coordinator with the One Team and an 'area champion' for advice service Somerset Connect. He said: "Wacky Wednesday is a great event which can provide support for vulnerable families.

“We are here today from the One Team, a multi agency approach helping vulnerable families and issues within the community. If there was a family who were struggling with food or with the economy we could help to support them and direct them to the right agency. 

“These events are great for families getting out during the summer holidays and half terms. Our message is the more the merrier, everyone is welcome.” 

Park-goers were pleased to see mounted officers in attendance
Park-goers were pleased to see mounted officers in attendance (Tindle )

The event was also supported by the police, with mounted officers in particular proving to be a crowd pleaser. Attendees were also happy to see PCSO Steve Hill and neighbourhood constable Toby Hatchard, with some taking turns to sit in their car and wear their hats.

PCSO Steve Hill and Toby Hatchard entertaining the kids
PCSO Steve Hill and Toby Hatchard entertaining the kids (Tindle)

The next Wacky Wednesday event is scheduled for August 23, and tickets can be purchased on the group's Facebook page.