A KITCHEN refurbishment in Bathealton Village Hall has been finished and the premises re-opened for business.

As well as installing more modern kitchen facilities, a wooden floor which was replaced 17 years ago was found to be in a poor state.

Spokesman Maurice Stanbury said: “Like so many projects in older properties, the job suddenly became much larger than had been first anticipated.

“The rotten floor had to be ripped up and removed before stone ballast and concrete were barrowed in to create a completely new solid and fully insulated floor that should last for many more years.

“A cooker, microwave, and ’fridge have been added to the facilities and the storage units replaced or completely refurbished.”

The work was carried out by volunteers led by Dennis Sheehan together with Chris Campbell, Phil Broad, and village hall committee chairman Steve Cottrell.

A monthly Pop-up Café will restart on September 2.